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CP 3: Farm scale mitigation and adaptation.
Leader: J�rgen E. Olesen (AU-DJF)
Background and Aims
Management of livestock systems will influence greenhouse gas emissions, and management changes are needed for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and for adapting crop and livestock production under climate change. Such changes in management are implemented at the farm scale with the individual farmer as the manager and the farm unit as the object for management. This means that studies concerning implementation of adaptation and mitigation options in livestock production need to have a clear farm and farmer focus.
CP3 aims to analyse options for adaptation and mitigation to climate change across relevant agro-environmental zones in EU and partner countries. This will be done through a combination of dynamic farm-scale models, economic assessments at farm-scale and analysis of barriers to implementation.
The component is organized into 3
interlinked Workpackages
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Component 3 will
- Provide a set of dynamic farm scale models that can be applied for analyzing options for adaptation and mitigation to climate change across relevant agro-environmental zones in EU and partner countries.
- Analyze the sensitivity of major European livestock farming systems to climate change.
- Estimate the ecological and economic efficiency of various farm scale adaptation and mitigation measures and strategies for characteristic and representative farms across agro- environmental zones in EU and partner countries.
- Evaluate methodologies for assessing ecological and economic efficiency of individual and combined measures at farm scale.
- Provide a shortlist of efficient measures in covering mitigation and adaptation criteria across relevant livestock farming systems
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