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WP11 Filtering out options. Leader: Dominic Moran (SAC)

Background and Aims

Climate change mitigation and adaptation measures and policies should be evaluated (and “filtered”) using three basic criteria: effectiveness, efficiency and equity. Development of a marginal abatement cost curve (MACC) tool facilitates both cost-effectiveness appraisal and a cost benefit analysis of farm mitigation measures.
WP 11 will evaluate the economic potential of the range of technically effective farm scale measures identified in AnimalChange. The objective is to determine a short list of economically feasible measures from the long list of those that are technically feasible

Major Outcomes

  • Comparison of bottom-up and top-down appraisal methods for determining efficient mitigation pathways (using marginal abatement cost curves MACCs).
  • Evaluation of alternative appraisal methods for determining efficiency of on-farm adaptation (including social costs)
  • Reconciliation of mitigation and adaptation measures for a range of characteristic farming systems
  • Simulation of cost and abatement potentials for given adaptation constraints
  • Simulation of potential adaptation vulnerabilities for given mitigation constraints.
  • A short list of efficient measures covering mitigation and adaptation criteria applicable across a variety of farm system types in Europe and partner countries

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