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C and N cycles and GHG emissions (Click on the Project's name for the link to the website)

Projects Connections with ANIMALCHANGE
NitroEurope, FP6 European nitrogen cycle and GHG emissions

Provides nitrogen cycle data on grasslands and arable sites organized in a data basis. Provides improved versions of field, farm and regional scale models.

Mitigation options and climate change feedbacks of GHG emissions from animal agriculture.

CarboExtreme, FP7 Role of climate variability and extremes on the C cycle of EU ecosystems

Ecosystem manipulation experiments for arable and grassland systems. Long-term observations (e.g. remote sensing, carbon inventories) of carbon cycle related variables.

Detailed storylines of likely changes in land use, and in crop and pasture management under baseline and stabilization scenarios. Full account of the role of changes in livestock systems on the carbon cycle.

GHG Europe, FP7 GHG management in European land use systems, attribution to direct human activities vs. climate variability of GHG fluxes
Model projections of climate change impacts on grassland and arable ecosystems without adaptation and without changes in livestock systems for AR4 scenarios

Model projections of climate change impacts on grassland, feed crop and livestock systems (with their dynamics), integrating, or not, mitigation and adaptation options and based on the new AR5 baseline and stabilization scenarios

IMECC, ICOS, FP7 (Infrastructure) Infrastructure for a carbon observing system

Long-term data sets of CO2, water vapour and other GHG gas fluxes exchanged at a range of European arable and grassland sites.

Views on how to design an operational network for monitoring soil carbon sequestration in grasslands and in croplands

LEARN Improve the quantification of non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions from animal agriculture at all scales; and facilitate the development of cost effective and practical greenhouse gas mitigation solutions.
FAO Life cycle assessment of global animal food chains LCA methodological framework for the livestock sector. Estimates of GHG from livestocks systems, part of agriculture under carbon constraints

Improved data on farming systems and emissions

Legume Futures, FP7 Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe

Provides Legume Futures information on the future need for protein feed for livestock production.

Delivers novel legume-based cropping systems for evaluating cropping systems for livestock farming that provides benefits for both adaptation and mitigation to climate change.

GGELS Evaluation of the livestock sector's contribution to the EU greenhouse gas emissions Precise quantification of the greenhouse gases emission (GHG) from livestock production in Europe by considering GHG emission all along the production chains.

Data on GHG emissions at sub-national region level

REDNEX, FP7 Management approaches to reduce nitrogen excretion by ruminants

Mitigation options to reduce N losses in livestock systems

Integrated mitigation and adaptation options for livestock, including reduction in N loss.

SMEthane SMEthane aims to provide a technological platform for SME’s to develop and progress further knowledge on the successful use of nutritional additives to reduce methane (CH4) emissions from ruminants.
ECO-FCE A whole-systems approach to optimising feed use efficiency (FCE) and reducing the ecological footprint of monogastrics.

Using state-of-the-art �omics� technologies integrated with novel systems biology research, this project will gain a greater understanding of factors underpinning variation in FCE between monogastric animals.

It will also identify management routes through which FCE can be improved, and nutrient and greenhouse gas emissions reduced.


Climate change impacts and adaptation

Projects Connections with ANIMALCHANGE
CCTAME, FP7 Climate Change – Terrestrial Adaptation & Mitigation in Europe

Framework for coupling socio-economics & biophysical modelling

Detailed livestock storylines under climate change

CLIVAGRI, COST Action 734 Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on European Agriculture

Provide CLIVAGRI with information on sensitivity of livestock production systems to climate change.

Use the overview of climate change impacts and likely adaptation options for major crops in Europe for assessing adaptation to climate change in mixed livestock farming systems.

CLIMSOIL Interaction between climate change and soils and their emissions

Soil carbon change assessment for Europe and vulnerability of soil carbon to climate change

Carbon sequestration in grasslands and production of feed crops

PICCMAT PICCMAT Policy Incentives for Climate Change Mitigation Agricultural Techniques provided an analysis from case studies to represent EU27 regions on the agricultural practices in terms of mitigation potential.

Specific measures in agriculture, environmental policies

Integrated mitigation and adaptation options for livestock

PESETA Projections of economic impacts of climate change in sectors of Europe based on bottom-up analysis (downscaling and crop impacts)

Scenarios and methods for projecting climate change impacts

Detailed climate change impact projections for livestock systems

GREENHOUSEMILK, FP7 (Marie Curie network) Developing genetic tools to mitigate the environmental impact of dairy systems

Evaluate the potential to select and breed animals with low GHG emissions

MULTISWARD, FP7 Multi-species swards for multifunctional grassland-based ruminant production systems

Effect of grazing on the same grass-legume mixtures that are examined in AnimalChange.

Effect of drought stress on same mixtures

EDEN , FP6 Identification of European ecosystems and environmental conditions which can influence the distribution and dynamics of human pathogenic agents.

Catalogue of European ecosystems and environmental conditions linked to global change, which can influence the spatial and temporal distribution and dynamics of pathogenic agents.

Predictive emergence and spread models

BAT-Support, FP6 Best Available Techniques for European Intensive Livestock Farming - Support for the Implementation of the IPPC-Directive

Methodology for the classification of livestock housing systems including storage, treatment and spreading of the manures produced, in terms of "Best Available Techniques" (BAT).

Recommendations for the use of different technologies in intensive livestock farming including cost/benefit considerations regarding emission reduction

Access to a documentation system for BAT techniques

SOLID, FP7 SOLID will research sustainable organic and low-input dairy production. Organic and low-input dairy farming systems are increasingly noted as delivering multifunctional benefits to the agricultural industry and society but technical and economic constraints prevent widespread adoption.

LCA analysis of C footprint of organic and low input dairy systems at farm and regional scale

DAIRYMAN DAIRYMAN aims to improve regional prosperity through better resource utilization on dairy farms and stakeholder cooperation.

Quantification of ecological, economic and social performances of the ten participating regions, assessment of the improvement needs and opportunities

Assessment for full EU27 on environmental performance and innovations for livestock production


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